Face psoriasis: symptoms and treatment

The worst skin conditions of psoriasis. Psoriatic rashes are most common in the legs and the body. Face and psoriasis? Unfortunately, it could be, and so many unpleasant experiences with the sick, the suffering, the suffering of.

psoriasis symptoms face

Psoriasis symptoms face

In the first phase of psoriasis on the face are usually manifested in the late fall or winter. During this time, the skin are especially vulnerable. Harbinger sickness unbearable itching. Very similar symptoms of psoriasis on the face common in the initial phase of food allergies or skin irritation: inflamed spots visible on small sizes (roughly a PIN head), and is localized in the forehead or cheeks. However, over time they grow and merge, usually get a kind of compressed — pale red tint, which is very popular. Especially intensive is the most popular comb marks can occur because definitely not do in their place. Slowly, coating the nose, nasolabial Triangle and the wings of the rash begins on the forehead, lips, ears, hair covering almost all thrown under the influence-facial region.

More symptoms of a disease can be defined as "one in three cases":

  • The record cover soft scales;
  • More branches found under the scales red leather coating brightness (movie terminal);
  • Cleaning the skin starts bleeding and hurt to continue if a tiny drop of blood (blood rosa).

Seborrheic psoriasis most common in adulthood marked on the face of a pearl "crown" — a popular accumulation on the border of a head of hair. Pus shell, this crack occurred, causing a pretty strong pain. A more common type in children, psoriasis skin, face, henceforth tear. Quite a diyatez at the beginning of the disease to get it.


Psoriasis including psoriasis on face cause is considered to be the city's most mysterious disease. Discussion etiology still have not subsided. Adherents among experts are a primary endocrine, autoimmune, psychosomatic theories and the formation of psoriasis is a genetic theory that increasingly gaining in popularity recently. Thereafter it confirms to some extent and common statistics, every third or four cases of this dermatosis close relatives who also its bearer. Why private disputes among, perhaps, only three conditions:

  • Disease-carrying politicologie character: to explain the origin and reason fails;
  • This pathology may be years, even decades to take a stable remission, but definitely it's a gamble;
  • psoriasis is transfer through direct contact is eliminated: o is not contagious.

Anyway, but psoriatic skin rashes, coating almost all body areas, including the gifted, as such, impossible to hide their views surrounding the delivery of psychological discomfort, a patient in the first place.

Type psoriasis face

There are many different types a disease in itself but a rather complex classification. The lesson can be divided into two groups by type him: they were ambush they ambush and flow. Interestingly, each species has its own "privilegium" sections defeat. Especially that do not fall under the general classification of different types, for example, is a manifestation of vitamin A such. Helps a lot in this situation, doctors about the correct diagnosis, therefore, to select the best tactics of treatment.

The intensity changes depending on the shape of the infiltration mild and severe psoriasis – common area lesions and systemic symptoms of the disease.

It should be noted that areas of the person is the most typical psoriatic lesions. In any case, this is exactly for the most typical psoriasis seborrheic rough shape, cover and hairline and then spreads to the border more under him, producing a first glance impression, normal dandruff.

The stage of the disease

Marked on the face of the rapid development of psoriasis due to skin sensitivity in this area. In the first phase have already explained in detail about psoriasis on the face. The following stage known as a hard time buy the record bright shades, shapes popular round with silvery scales. Typically, this metamorphosis about a month later the emergence of the disease manifesting.

The next phase is considered rotting. At this stage, almost no one plaque, and pale skin. Comb them desire passes through, popular Cinta intense and stratum specific structure. Such a process continues, on average, two months to six months.

face psoriasis treatment more

More psoriasis treatment on your face?

Dermatologist who diagnosis, treatment, and already the first suspect, don't be put off her visit psoriasis: facial psoriasis remission passes so fast that the sooner treatment starts. At the same time, you must understand, psoriasis treatment is a long and complex process. Miracle cure, they don't have any tools, and therapy with a complete solution that includes the use of different mechanisms.

Ointment for the treatment of psoriasis on the face

External funding most effectively to fight the disease as balm, lotions, creams. The effectiveness of facial psoriasis ointment find wide application due: hormones and hormone containing. In this case, first you have, the more powerful, but short-term exposure, they are quickly addictive and a new revolution of the way the body and increased skin elasticity. Hormonal treatment with drugs psoriasis often on the face of an adult. Non-hormonal the same movement slowly, but provide a longer period of time remission.

Smear psoriasis face more?

The following famous non-hormonal drugs for treatment, psoriasis, skin:

  • peeling salicylic ointment applied to resolve the mixed salicylic -zinc gives anti-inflammatory effect and dries out the affected skin;
  • an excellent anti-inflammatory with a statement, ointment, based on existing tar or grease;
  • zinc ointment to reduce negative external effects on the skin, swelling, inflammation, anti-benefits;
  • the overwhelming exposure of the diseased cells ointment containing vitamin D;
  • famous fat drugs antipruritic effect is required, especially in acute disease stage has already ended when the healing begins;
  • apply ointment to moisturize the skin to cover, content of herbal extracts of marigold, swallow grass, chamomile and other herbs.

The power to change its Hormonal ointments effect: relatively weak is more powerful.

Usually, facial psoriasis ointments should be applied before going to bed, the body is at complete rest – this therapeutic effect is much higher.

Numerous hormonal drugs because of the side effects you need to apply carefully and only after you have specified to a large degree, doctor. Yourself is strictly prohibited – this path irreversible health effects.

A procedural therapy

In addition, specified medications applied for physiotherapy treatment.

Perfect to give a soothing effect electro sleep daily sessions, ongoing 20 minutes, half an hour for at least a week. Appointed dr photochemotherapy and ultraviolet rays. the period of weight loss, disease remission and the time to contribute. In some cases, can be assigned X-ray radiation affected by. Laser treatment is considered more secure in this regard.

Basic perfect complementary therapy, health and spa treatment.

Drug treatment

When it comes to forms they prescribe medication only in the treatment of chronic and employee, psoriasis, seborrheic face. Among these tools, in particular:

  • policyholders, backup, partition epithelial cells, as, for example, methotrexate;
  • cyclosporin a immune depressant type, the flow can suppress autoimmune processes;
  • corticosteroids for interior applications;
  • biologically active substances, reproductive cells and preventing pathological alefacept avastin.

Admission to all these preparations only under medical supervision.

Folk remedies psoriasis face

Folk medicine also gives a positive result in the treatment of psoriasis, but only when applied together with other methods under the control of the doctor and fight disease. On the basis of traditional medicines – natural ingredients, so recommended even for treatment of children. It is advisable for any herbal tincture, Bathroom, Bathtub drugs, decoctions, oils, ointments and psoriasis face mask prepared by "Grandma's recipes". For example, a good disarming imposed previously cleansed face a mask of salt (sea salt best), tar mask and balm. It has a good effect, sea buckthorn oil, such as external and internal use, as well as overlooking the lavender fields and coconut oil. The proposed use contains vegetable-carotene, pumpkin, red and orange fruit color. Gives a certain result and homeopathic remedies.

Despite the complexity, a fundamental part of the disease psoriasis on your face treatment is done at home (with rare exceptions). Important for full performance the physician's instructions containing:

  • her meticulous hygiene and skin protection all kinds of negative impacts: mechanical, climatic, environmental;
  • diet, especially in the period of acute psoriasis face. You should not give up irritating and allergenic products, tobacco and alcohol products;
  • periodic visit to the dermatologist

Now answer the basic question: how to get rid of psoriasis face?

Unfortunately, it is a treatable disease completely impossible. However, by prescription, by performing medical, preventive measures and support the right mental attitude, remission periods of time to the highest level by maintaining a high quality of life.